Quantum Leap Systems RAMP Training Interviews

Testimonials created for Quantum Leap Systems RAMP promotions.

I was asked by Quantum Leap Systems to create an introduction video for their YouTube channel using the logo I had previously created. Working in After Effects I was able to create the desired look and feel they were after. I was also asked to join them at their RAMP training event to capture testimonial interviews.

I was working with my own camera and two cameras provided to me, as well as a lav mic. The only lighting available was natural light, as well as lamps found around the room. This  forced me to get creative. Using multiple types of cameras created a unique set of challenges, in that they were color balanced very differently. I was able to correct for most of this in post production using Adobe Premiere Pro.

Wanting to tie in the branding of the company I also created custom animated name plates for them to use on these and future interviews.

The air conditioner in the hotel room as well as the acoustics of the room also created challenges. Upon reviewing the captured footage and Audio there was lot of noise on the audio channels which I worked to minimize using Adobe Audition. I then matched the edited audio to the video in Premiere Pro.
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